четверг, 5 сентября 2024 г.

Hello World :)

 Hello dear visitors! At least from the visitors there is only one left, although who knows, maybe he doesn’t even come here anymore. You can at least leave a comment or write to Telegram, so that I know that at least you sometimes come to this blog. As you probably already understood, I got drunk on beer again, I’ve already drunk 1 liter and most likely will continue. I wanted to write a lot of things, but everything got a little mixed up by the time I came here. In short, I watched a video about Jack Ma on TikTok, he was a loser, by the way, I underestimated TikTok, as well as Telegram. Apparently this Durov, or his brother, still has something brilliant, since he was able to make VKontakte first, then Telegram. So I’m thinking maybe I too will suddenly be able to make a site like Alibaba, or even cooler in the second half of my life, although something tells me that I’ve long since passed the second half. But I still hope that I will live to be 100 years old and I hope that my brain will not be much worse than it is now. And yes, remember that I said that we need to stop the war in Syria and some said that let them fight, in my opinion it spread from Syria first to us, and then to you, perhaps to the Middle East, or maybe it started in Iraq. In short, we need to come up with a scheme to make wars impossible and slow down the reproduction of some nations...

I don't know, should we give out free condoms? :)

In my opinion, the UN works poorly, or doesn't work at all.

I don't know, should we come up with a new UN?

Or is it a bunch of bad people doing bad things everywhere?

I hope that God exists and will punish all the bad people.

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